Telltale games game of thrones save ethan
Telltale games game of thrones save ethan

telltale games game of thrones save ethan

Someone has to rule House Forrester, so it would still make sense and be much easier to continue Ethans storyline. I have been hearing that he dies for the sake of moving on the story like a revenge subplot or whatever, but they ALREADY HAD a reason to seek revenge with the Ruler and Heir of House Forrester both dying. Początkowo opublikowane przez Bianco: Ya but that's the thing though. Now everyone will be on the edge of their seats in future episodes wondering if the characters they're controlling will die. I guess they just really wanted to hammer home the idea that anyone can die - even a player-controlled character.

telltale games game of thrones save ethan

There would be so many different scenarios emerging that they could end up having to produce 20-30x the amount of content. There may be some choices later on that have significant consequences, but if the developers tried to do it all the time, think how much work that would create. The game mostly only offers the illusion of choice, which is why it's most enjoyable if you don't replay it or follow other peoples' playthroughs. Początkowo opublikowane przez Marma:You can't. Is it really to much to ask to be able to bring House Forrester out from the fire? IMO if this doesn't do some drastic changes quick, I won't be buying a second season. How can I possibly feel like anything I do matters if practically all of the heirs to the throne are dead? Both eldest sons are dead, the third refuses to lead, the girls aren't old enough and even if they were there would be no chance of their survival, so no one else reasonable from House Forrester is left.


I have come to expect this from the TV Show obviously, but I expected better for this game.

telltale games game of thrones save ethan

Killing off likeable characters like this for the sake of shock value or being "edgy" is not good storytelling, it just ruins the characters because you can't even be attached to them knowing they will hardly last an episode. The TV show killed off Robb Stark because they had an actual story that they needed to follow to stay true to the books, but this game DOES NOT have to follow any guidelines when it comes to keeping new characters alive. I understand that "Ramsey is unpredictable and crazy" or "Don't get too attached to likeable characters", but this one really pissed me off. It seems no matter what I do, I can't save Ethan, and that is just ridiculous.

Telltale games game of thrones save ethan